I took a lot of pictures this week. Didn't want to miss a moment and wanted to share with you.
My youngest son turned 5. We spent a fun filled day at the zoo seeing most of the animals, petting dog sharks, and watching dolphins leap and splash in the water.
For Mother's Day my husband gave me a huge bouquet of colorful flowers that I was able to split and create four pretty vases to set out for our family gathering.
My mom, sister, and me. |
For the Mother's Day feast, I made
Pioneer Woman's Tequila Lime Chicken, Mexican rice, and black beans with all the fixins of salsa, guacamole, and cheese. It was delicious and I highly encourage you to make it. For the plain eaters in the family, we grilled chicken legs. They were yummy too.
I've also been a painting fool. Throughout the day, my kitchen island alternates between the family diner and art studio. Painting has unlocked a joy in me that has been missing for awhile. A creative outlet just for me. I am so glad I took a few online art classes to show me the basics. Each time I paint I feel lighter, freer, and more adventurous.
This is from my art journal. I am thinking about creating an e-course about joy, beauty, art, and abundance. Would you be interested?
My little guy ready for Kindergarten. |
Lastly, Preschool graduation was last night. My four kids have rolled through this program for nine years in a row. We hold the record. Two of my mom friends are close behind. Together we can put on a fun class party and clean up without the teachers having to do much at all. We have the system down. They even recognized us with a certificate and a dedicated parent award which meant a lot.
That's my bliss list. Thank you so much for letting me share with you.
Wishing you joy and peace,