I love summer. Long days, early morning walks with butterflies and birds, time with my kids, moonlit evenings on the deck. This summer has been wonderful. A few challenges in between, but even so, I am trying to squeeze every ounce of joy out of these last summer days that I can.
Here are some things that have been truly joyful. What are yours?
My husband and I piled the kids in the car and drove 12 hours overnight to Okaloosa Island, Florida. It was a wonderful week at the beach filled with surf fishing, swimming, and a zip lining adventure over the Baytown Wharf in Destin. This Midwestern girl loves visiting the ocean!
Time at the beach with my five year old son. True bliss. |
Creative moments spent doodling in my art journal, taking pictures, and a little painting. As the kids get back in school, I hope to do a lot more painting.
Another highlight was celebrating Independence Day on Lake Tippecanoe at my sister and brother in law's cottage. We watched fireworks over the beautiful lake in their big pontoon boat. What a thrill!Lastly, picking wildflowers and eating garden fresh veggies are true summer loves. There are so many ways to eat a tomato. A simple favorite is sliced with a pinch of sea salt. Also, I make my famous summer BLTs. My daughter and I like to add a little avocado to make them CBLTs (California bacon lettuce tomato). Delicious!
Thank you for letting me share my bliss. Let me know your thoughts as I always enjoy your comments.
Happy Summer,