It usually takes my husband BK and I a couple days to depressurize and feel on vacation. I am so happy, relaxed, and on vacation it is unbelievable! Now that Scout is three, travelling has become easier. No strollers, pack n plays, or other gear to lug around. We all fit everything in one suitcase this year. The big three have helped me in every way too.
So far my greatest joys have been feeling connected again as a family unit, and watching my oldest son fall in love with the ocean. Since April we have been totally immersed in school and baseball. Our schedules have been fast paced and divided. My husband's work schedule has been grueling too. Being on vacation with my family has given us that relaxed togetherness again.
We arrived in the afternoon and got settled in our sweet little rental home for the week. It is on the bay with a pool and fishing pier. Perfection! The kids immediately jumped in the pool as I unpacked and BK checked out the fishing gear.
As evening approached I packed a cooler and we did the short drive to the beach to watch the sunset. My 9 1/2 year old son "Blaze" was immediately smiling as he body surfed the gentle waves crashing into the shore. The others were a exhausted and not as enthralled with salt water and sand in their eyes. My little "Scout" said he wanted to go back to the "blue pool".
Last night I took Blaze and Indy back to the beach for sunset. BK stayed with Phoebe and Scout in the pool. He also wanted to set up the fishing poles.
While we were swimming in the ocean some clouds rolled in and looked like a possible storm. Most people got out but we stayed in but close to shore. Indy shouted, Look! A rainbow!" We looked up as we floated in the ocean and saw a rainbow arched above us. It was one of those magical moments that I felt so connected with the boys and nature. We will always remember that most extraordinary experience.
Shine your light,