
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Free Spirit Soul Painting

Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.
~Earl Nightingale
What has been your creative muse lately? Have you been clearing out a room, reading a juicy novel, planting flowers, or cooking healthy meals? Running, hiking, resting?
My creative energy has been poured into painting.  Here is some of my play with color. I call it free spirit soul painting. Evenings here have been warm and breezy so I moved my painting outside onto my deck. Birds chirping, leaves rustling, fish jumping in the pond. Heaven.
This one is from my art journal. I love visiting the ocean. The colors, waves, sounds, and sandy beaches have a powerful affect on me. I hope to visit the ocean again this year.
Thank you for letting me share my art with you. I would love to hear about your creative endeavors or intentions in the comments below.
Wishing you joy and peace,


  1. Kathy,
    It looks like you are having such a joyful time with your paints, free and wild! Gotta love it. After painting this morning, I spent a good part of the day cleaning the studio, which really needed it. I'm expecting visitors after the exhibit in a couple of weeks and we couldn't have a messy studio now could we!

  2. What beautiful works of art!! And painting outside is the best!!!

  3. your paintings sing!
    and that photo of you
    with your fingers in the paint
    makes my heart grin wide:)
    thanks for this beautiful inspire,
