
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Summer Solstice

Celebrate the light in you. ~Pixie Campbell
Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year in the Western Hemisphere. The most hours of light. A day that has been celebrated throughout time for light, abundance, and transformation.
I will spend this day outside. Alone and with my children. Walking among flowers, trees, butterflies, and birds. Offering gratitude for all nature's blessings.
These next few days I invite you to join me. Spending time outside sitting quietly or walking with open eyes and an open heart. Soaking up the light, the love, the gifts.
Let's release negative energy. Clear sacred spaces both physically and mentally. Give away things not needed anymore. Create space for fresh abundance to come. Let our light shine!
Other ways to express gratitude: dance, sing, paint, eat healthy foods, drink lots of water.

Keep shining your beautiful light!
Happy Summer,
Join me on my new face book page Wildflower Kath.  for sharing art, inspiration, and creative living.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy...your light is shining through this post. I am soaking up all your positive inspiration. I NEED something fresh in my life right now...this was a very inspiring post to me today!!! Thank you!

