
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Change of Scenery with a Family Road Trip to North Carolina

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flow into trees. the winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~John Muir
An invigorating climb of Mt. Baldhead - there's no vegetation up there!
We took a family road trip to the mountains of North Carolina for Spring Break. My dad and Helen have a one hundred year old house nestled in a mountain affectionately called "The Rock House".

Phoebe Fireball, Dad, & Helen
The weather in the mountains was mostly rainy and chilly with some snow. I'm sure glad I packed boots and coats for all. On the one sunny day we drove up the Roan Mountain and hiked the Appalachian Trail to Mt. Baldhead. It was truly beautiful. I felt so invigorated after the gorgeous hike.
Dad & me on the Appalachian Trail

Phoebe on Mt. Baldhead
We visited a gem mine and panned for rocks and minerals. We found some cool stones including amethyst, aquamarine, and topaz. The kids loved doing this.
Looking for gems
Me & Blaze on the front steps of the Rock House
My sweet husband even had rings made for Phoebe and me out of some stones we found.
The boys can't wait to put theirs in the rock tumbler.
The kids also loved feeding two horses in the pasture named Doc and Rebel. We went through a lot of apples and carrots!
The Yerf Dog go-cart got lots of use as my husband drove up and down the mountain with the kids and taught them how to drive it too. They also panned for gold in the stream and hiked in the rain.
A wonderful week in the mountains without TV, cell phones, and computers. More memories and delicious Rock House recipes to follow.
Happy Spring,


  1. Enjoyed seeing the pics! Can't wait for the recipes!

  2. i love, love, love n.c.- my favorite place, in probably all the world, is asheville--
