When Mom brings home lemons, we make lemonade. -my kids
My son Indy discovered we had a juicer hidden in the depths of the pantry. Of course he wanted to make some juice right away. I brought home a bag of lemons for him to make us a batch of liquid sunshine. We added some sugar and water and it was tart and delicious and such fun. My husband and I joked about him being actually productive for us making nourishment for the family.
As 2009 comes to a close on this eve of New Year's Eve, I am in a reflective state of mind. I am feeling grateful for my family, friends, and warm home. Since we have been mostly in the house due to cold and snowy weather, I have felt overwhelmed at the huge responsibility of raising four kids. On this journey I need to figure out how to take care of myself and nurture my marriage as well. I know for sure that I am not alone in feeling that this is a tricky combination to excel in all areas.
My goals for this upcoming year include:
*Finding joy in each day
*Potty training my fourth and youngest child by his third birthday in May
*Clearing clutter in my home
*Exercising on a more regular basis
*Having a deeper relationship with my husband of fifteen years
*Eating and preparing healthier meals
*Sharing my joy and journey with others
Hop aboard this silly blog for a Journey of Joy.
Happy New Year and remember to shine your light,
Kathy Anne
I'm looking forward to sharing the journey with you!