
Friday, February 3, 2012

Bliss List Friday

Favorite Blissful things of the week:
Taking my daughter to her first lesson with horses where she groomed and walked the horse. She has been on cloud 9 all week!

Communicating with my friend who moved to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil with her husband and three children. What an adventure!

Hiking with my little guy in 50 degree sunshine. Not typical for February in the Midwest.

Exercising every day this week. I'm feeling stronger and have more energy.

Hot date with my husband this weekend. A rare thing with four young kids.
Wishing you a week full of bliss. Remember, it's the little things that mean so much.
xo, kathy


  1. Those roses are so beautiful! Roses are on my bliss list every day of the week! Fantastic list Kathy! Em x

  2. Horses! I would love to get to do that. Wonder if they have lessons for adults. I adore that roses picture.

    1. Naomi, I was thinking about the same think about lessons for the mom. I did enjoy seeing her so happy. Roses to you, Kathy

  3. I love the picture of your son in shorts! The weather this winter has certainly been abnormal for us too.

  4. Great pictures & Bliss-filled moments! Thanks for sharing. Love & Grace, AnaLisa

  5. What a fun list! The rose picture is gorgeous. Our weather here in Southern Ontario has been wacky too.

  6. Kathy - go take the riding lessons! Horses are the best and riding is wonderful! I was able to finally ride since I started having kids (that is 12 years) just this past fall. Luckily a good friend of mine has horses down the road from me and we went on a long ride along the backroads. It was exhilarating! Watching me get on the horse was amusing - that took some muscles! The best thing was that I could walk with no problem the next day! Go For It! You will love it!

  7. Sounds like a great week on wildflower ranch. pure bliss.

  8. Love the photos of your kids, the horses and roses. Looks like a beautiful life! I'm glad you could share the little moments that bring you joy!

  9. Can you believe it - shorts in winter!? Love your list and so grateful you linked up!

  10. What great photos! We're enjoying this warm weather too, gotta love it

  11. invigorating....your bliss is energy to me!
    happy for you and your lovies
    and swooning over roses:)
