On this eve of Thanksgiving as my son and I stir the cranberries and I teach him how to zest an orange, I am feeling very thankful.
Tomorrow morning I will teach a yoga class and then zip home to get ready to have 15 family members for Thanksgiving Day. I am feeling surprisingly non-stressed now. The main reason is because of my Mom.
Today she drove almost an hour from her home and arrived with her car full of pressed table cloths, ironed napkins rolled and tied with raffia, a handmade centerpiece, a cherry jello dessert, and fresh pears, grapes, and cheese for a special appetizer.
We happily worked together all day to get the house clean and festive. My piles of papers and full laundry baskets are quietly hidden in the "no-no room". The extra-long table is set, the china and crystal rinsed and ready, and the scent of cranberry and orange fills the air.
The funny thing is...my Mom is not even coming tomorrow. Of course she is invited but Thanksgiving is typically my Dad's holiday and hers is Christmas. Even so she knew I needed the help and enthusiastically whisked in to save the day. For that I am so thankful.
I love you, Mom!
Kathy Anne
You and I are both so lucky to have such wonderful, loving moms! I'm trying to be more grateful for the things in life I often take for granted. Mom is one of them, and I'm trying to do better at remembering how lucky I am and letting her know.