Gratitude keeps your heart open. -from the book 29 Gifts by Cami Walker
If I have an addiction it is books. I am a voracious reader. It started at six with Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. My mom kept the Seuss collection and are they are now on my kids shelves. I moved on to Nancy Drew, Judy Blume and by ten I was reading my first unforgettable Danielle Steele novel Palomino. After breezing through Steele's books I went on to the Clan of the Cave bear series by Jean M. Auel.
My passion for books is still burning. My heart pounds wildly when I walk into a Barnes and Noble bookstore. Half Price Books is like a giant treasure hunt especially the back clearance wall. I could ramble on for hours about my favorite books on different topics: Fiction, Non-fiction, Spirituality/self help, Children's and many many more. I will write more on these for sure.
Today I became immersed in 29 Gifts by Cami Walker. Walker vividly writes about having the disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and being given a message to heal her body, life, and spirit through giving 29 gifts in 29 days. It is a remarkable story. I am now on my 29 gifts in 29 days journey. Her website is 29gifts.org.
Shine your light,
Kathy Anne
If I have an addiction it is books. I am a voracious reader. It started at six with Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. My mom kept the Seuss collection and are they are now on my kids shelves. I moved on to Nancy Drew, Judy Blume and by ten I was reading my first unforgettable Danielle Steele novel Palomino. After breezing through Steele's books I went on to the Clan of the Cave bear series by Jean M. Auel.
My passion for books is still burning. My heart pounds wildly when I walk into a Barnes and Noble bookstore. Half Price Books is like a giant treasure hunt especially the back clearance wall. I could ramble on for hours about my favorite books on different topics: Fiction, Non-fiction, Spirituality/self help, Children's and many many more. I will write more on these for sure.
Today I became immersed in 29 Gifts by Cami Walker. Walker vividly writes about having the disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and being given a message to heal her body, life, and spirit through giving 29 gifts in 29 days. It is a remarkable story. I am now on my 29 gifts in 29 days journey. Her website is 29gifts.org.
Shine your light,
Kathy Anne
I just got swept away yesterday in Barnes and Noble. Next thing I knew, about 2 hours had passed by!! Had to call home and explain why I was running late. Fortunately, my counterpart gets just as swept away with books, so he totally understood!! I think I could spend an entire afternoon in there!