If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies. Nadine Stair
Today is the first day of spring. To me, this is the beginning of the new year. The prayer I received this morning says it all.
Wisdom, strength and love are reborn in me today.
Every year I see the rebirth of spring as the grass turns green, flowers bud and leaves and blossoms burst forth on the trees. Each sign of spring occurs at the right and perfect time, when the earth is ready to generate new life.
My personal springtime occurs as I open my heart and mind to the Divine. To prepare my soul for rebirth, I pray and meditate. I invite wisdom, strength and love into my life knowing that these powers propel me on my way to growth and renewal. As in nature, my renewal comes precisely when my soul is receptive and ready.
This morning was sunny and warm so we went outside to celebrate spring's arrival. I noticed some daffodil sprouts popping up. Listening to the birds chirp and the woodpeckers peck was music to my ears. My son "Indy" climbed a tree and I gave him my camera to snap one of us on the swing.
Pick up that journal and start writing. Lace up those shoes and start walking. Grab a sketchbook or paints and start creating. Don't worry about the house or that sink full of dishes. Begin something new for you.
Happy Spring,
Thanks for the spring reminder. Living in nearly seasonless Hawaii is going to be an interesting adjustment - the new growth and rebirth isn't so obvious so I appreciate you reminding me to think about it. Take care and happy spring!