Yoga is an exercise in listening...it teaches you to tune in to your relationships. Trudie Styler, yogi and wife of Sting.
I took my new issue of Yoga Journal to the park today with the kids. It was a warm and sunny day and there were many kids of all ages playing basketball, swinging, sliding, and playing tag.
About an hour into our stay I realized I was the only parent left there with all these kids. As I read the article about Sting and Trudie's 27 year marriage and passion for yoga and each other, I would pause and glance around to see all kids were doing fine.
My passion for yoga began almost 20 years ago during my Junior year in college. After the first Hatha Yoga class with a lovely instructor who played Enya as she taughts us cat pose, downward dog, and sun salutation, I was hooked.
Four semesters later in the Yoga textbook she had written she signed mine:
To Kathy (our model), Yoga will always be there for you. Dee Ann Birkel
How true her words have been and I still treasure that signed book. Little did I know that almost 20 years later I would be the mother of four children and a part time yoga instructor.
After reading the articles and studying the poses in my Yoga Journal the kids were still happily playing. I knew the chicken in the oven at home would be quite brown, yet I decided to stay and enjoy the moment. I placed the magazine on the ground to use as a yoga mat and began gently stretching into butterfly pose and seated forward bend. I then created and practiced a sequence for tomorrow morning's class.
The funny thing was that none of the kids snickered or even payed me any attention as I did my yoga in the park. I am sure it looked a little funny or eccentric to them. It was truly peaceful and fun. I did have to tell one kid not to use bad language at the park but that's part of being a mom. A job I have earned and really love.
Shine your light,
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